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Phone Link Not Opening URLs in Chrome

An Overview – Why Phone Link Not Opening URLs in Chrome

Certain links that you click on your smartphone may open in Chrome on your desktop rather than on your mobile if you are using Chrome, and your smartphone is connected to your computer. Google is aware of this problem and is searching for a solution. There really are a couple fixes you can try in the meanwhile. The security protocols of your Web browser, which prohibit the appearance of pop-up windows, or the Flash player connector, that restricts you from viewing URLs in local Flash files, are quite likely to be responsible for links opening complications.

Check to check if a hand appears when you hover your mouse over a link to ensure that it has been established appropriately. If so, please do the this as far as possible to find out “phone link Not Opening URLs in Chrome”

  1. Navigate to the Adobe Flash Player options. Now   select Always Allow and then select Add location.
  2. A folder or file that employs lower security protocols and permits accessing the urls within it is considered a trustworthy destination in this case.
  3. Next, look in the folder in which it is saved or for a Flash presentation having glitches:
  4. Play your Flash interface and take a choice in clicking on the links!
  5. Only, when your Flash interaction is saved locally on your device; do the aforesaid approaches. Once it is posted online.

Reasons why phone links may not be opening in Chrome

There are several contributing factors of smartphone links that won’t appear in Chrome. Firstly, ensure Chrome is installed in its most recent version. If not, try updating your browser and afterwards attempt to access the link once more.

probably, your internet access may also be the issue preventing phone links from loading in Chrome. Try joining a different network or opening the link on your cellular data connection if you’re connecting to a free Wi-Fi network.

The very last point is that some website URLs are made to launch in a browser tab or tab. Try right-clicking on the link and select “Open in new tab” or “Open in new pop – up window” to see if that works. Undoubtedly, It’s possible that the link was just not functioning in Chrome because it opened in a new window or tab.

Solutions to fix the issue

There are a number of options you may try if you’re having issues opening links in Chrome on your smartphone. To begin with, ensure that Chrome has the latest version. Check for updates by opening the Google Play Store app. Install any updates that are accessible, then try accessing links yet again.

Furthermore, manually uninstall your Chrome cache if it doesn’t work. To accomplish this, select “Clear cache” from the settings > Apps > Chrome menu. Once you’ve done, try to open URLs in Chrome once more. It can be necessary to remove Chrome besides reinstalling it. If neither of these trick’s work. Make a backup of your important bookmarks before proceeding further.

Steps to take if the problem persists

Here are some methods you may follow to resolve the issue anyhow if you’re having trouble opening links in Chrome. Well, Verify your internet service. Make very sure your internet service is reliable. Try to join a network interface if you’re on a public Wi-Fi connection.

Examine the Browser settings: Ensure Pop-ups are allowed in Chrome’s Settings > Site Settings > pop-ups by navigating there. Inspect your antivirus program. It’s possible that this is limiting Chrome for opening links. Check to determine whether the issue has been resolved by momentarily disabling your antivirus.

Chrome can be reset to its default settings if everything else fails. Completing it will delete all of your data from Chrome. Therefore, be sure to save any critical data prior you start. Again, put chrome:/settings/reset into your browser’s address bar to reset Chrome, then complete instructions.

Other potential causes of the problem

There are a few additional things that can be the issue’s underlying cause. For this Uninstall your ad blocker to see if that resolves the issue. Certain ad blockers prevent URLs from appearing in new tabs.

Besides, Try deleting the cache and cookie files on your computer if this doesn’t work. Websites can occasionally appear slowly if the cache data contains unreliable data.

Furthermore, check to see whether your browser has JavaScript disabled if you’re still having issues. Again, you might not be able to see some of the material on a page. If JavaScript is deactivated because many websites utilize it to load content dynamically.

Conclusion – Why Phone Link Not Opening URLs in Chrome

After comprehensive research, we observed that using a chrome website is the most efficient solution to this issue. Despite considering all of the proposed techniques. Unfortunately, It is not really perfect, yet it’s the most trustworthy way to verify that URLs actually work properly. In the abovementioned ways you can easily find out that why your phone link Not Opening URLs in Chrome

Frequently Asked Questions


I’m facing trouble opening URLs in Chrome. Why is this happening?

There may be an issue with your broadband connection, computer settings, or the webpage you’re trying to access if you’re having troubles opening URLs in Google. You can use some simple alternatives to resolve the issue. Furthermore, validate your computer is linked to the web if you are experiencing difficulty downloading any URLs.


Are there some specific settings to fix the issue?

Firstly, Verify the settings on your computer. Some websites might not open if Browser is configured to disable pop-ups. In such cases, Go to Settings > Site Settings > Pop-ups and Reroute in Chrome. And now off if you want to enable pop-ups. However, ensure the settings are now off.

Access the URL in a separate browser, if possible. There might be an issue with Chrome if the link opens in another browser but not in Chrome. Try deleting your browsing history by going to Settings > Privacy > Clear browsing data and selecting the information you wish to deal with. Moreover, Confirm the stability of your internet access.

How to fix the issue if I’m using an iPhone?

While you’re using an iPhone Make sure Safari is up to date.  For this purpose, Go to Settings > Safari and search for updates to resolve the issue.

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