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How to Block Someone on Linkedin

How to Block someone on LinkedIn

If you don’t want a particular person to be able to see your profile, you can do it from your smartphone or computer. A member will appear on your blocked list once you’ve blocked them. In most circumstances, the member who has been blocked will not be informed of the blocking. You really need to know how to block someone on LinkedIn.

Some individuals may engage in hostile and disrespectful behavior, even though our skilled team and systems continually employ techniques to ensure members stay safe. Although LinkedIn has regulations to prevent such conduct, there may be cases in which members feel compelled to act on their own, such as blocking offending profiles. Follow these steps to remove access to a user’s profile permanently.

The member you’re trying to block may have:

Their profile went into hibernation.

Been banned for the abusive activity that goes against our terms of service. (It’s important to remember that the member’s account might become accessible again if they meet specific requirements, depending on the seriousness of their actions.)

  • I’ve disabled your connection.
  • The account was closed.

How to Block someone on LinkedIn

The following occurs when you block a LinkedIn user:

  • No longer will you have access to one another’s LinkedIn pages.
  • No private LinkedIn messages between you will be allowed.
  • There will be no mutual access to shared files.
  • If you are currently connected, you will lose that status.
  • Under Who’s Viewed Your Profile, you won’t find each other.
  • No invitations to their upcoming LinkedIn Events will be sent your way.
  • It’s important to remember that a person can only block the event’s host once the host has left the event.
  • Users who have signed up for your newsletter but whom you have blocked will no longer get future issues.
  • We will stop endorsing or recommending that user.

Features like “People You May Know” and “People also Viewed” will be disabled.

You’ll be the only one who can “unblock” the member, and we won’t tell them you did it. If you have the host or any other designated speakers on your block list, you will not be allowed to participate in the audio event. When it comes to shared or group accounts, blocking people is a must.

Admins (group owners/group managers) need access and authority over a group to oversee group posts, memberships, and other activities. Therefore, group members cannot ban admins. To prevent access to admins, it is necessary first to revoke their admin privileges.

You must first quit the group to block the management of a group in which you are a member. If you are the group administrator and would like to block a group member, you must first remove that person from the group.

If a group member needs to be blocked, they can contact the group’s owner or manager.

A group manager and a group member cannot block one another.

If you have shared or now share a LinkedIn Recruiter account with a member and that user is blocked, we may need to notify them or the Recruiter admin about the block so that the account may be appropriately managed.

In the following cases, a member you’ve blocked may still be able to view your profile and posts:

Even if you block a user, they may still be able to access your public persona, likes, remarks, and Notable Voices posts if you have made them public. You may constantly adjust how you appear in public search results by entering your profile settings.

In the following cases, you may view posts from members you have blocked:

  • Content created by the person you have blocked may still appear in your stream if you and that person are mutually connected. If you have a news feed, you will see this. These feed updates can be omitted if you so wish.
  • Cached information about the profile of a member who has been barred from viewing it may still be viewable on a mobile device. You can clear your cache by signing into the LinkedIn mobile app and then signing out.
  • Data of a prohibited member may still be cached in third-party applications that use LinkedIn’s APIs. If that happens, you should get in touch with the app’s creator for advice on how to clear your cache.


Even after a member has been blocked from viewing your profile, they will still be counted as a profile visitor. However, their information will no longer be displayed. A member’s access to your profile is disabled once you block them.

  1. Presently, there is no way to prevent others from viewing your profile when they are in private mode.
  1. Delete local contact records by hand if you’ve saved them on your device.
  1. There are other ways to restrict people’s access to you, though:
  1. Your public LinkedIn profile can be hidden from search engines and users who aren’t logged into LinkedIn.
  1. Cover up your profile picture.
  1. Alter the name people see when they visit your profile.
  1. You can change who can invite you by going into your settings.
  1. The Open Profile toggle allows you to activate or deactivate the feature.

Now you have a clear idea on how to block someone on LinkedIn.

 Viola! Get rid of the person.



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